
Planetary annihilation titans crashing
Planetary annihilation titans crashing

planetary annihilation titans crashing

If the realism aspect of the moon smashing thing is bothering people, then consider this. Or just at least add in the OPTION to have the old mechanics, for fricks sake! A checkbox in the system editor or in the custom game options or something. At the very least treat minimum size moons as asteroids (I heard asteroids still work the old way, haven't checked though). I strongly urge Uber to consider more than just simple systems with few planets when deciding how this works. I've always defended PA in discussions all over the internet using these types of maps as justification for why the game isn't boring. How can you then treat your biggest fans like this? Ruining the work your players have done in your game is the worst PR I can think of. Anyone who's played on our systems knows how dynamic a game of PA can really be - it doesn't have to be just blobs of ground units crashing into eachother as the critics say. I'm pretty sure few people have contributed as much to creativity and uniqueness in system design as me and my compatriot. Again, now the entire water planet will get destroyed by the first lava moon. The moons barely do more damage than a nuke and the water planet is huuuge, but it adds an exciting element of tension to the system. See all the interweaving orbits? The thing about this map is that everyone starts on the big water planet, but it constantly gets bombarded with tiny little lava moons so remaining there is risky.

planetary annihilation titans crashing planetary annihilation titans crashing

I would have taken a System Editor screenshot, but *OPENING A SYSTEM IN THE EDITOR NOW RESETS THE ORBITS OF ALL PLANETS*, just another game breaking bug, so this in-game screenshot will have to do: Now there's no point in ever going for a larger planet, whether for halleys or settlement. And an important part of that is allowing for stuff like a low-risk-low-reward moon that needs 1 halley but will only leave a crater, versus a gigantic moon that needs 10 halleys but can destroy any planet outright. I used to run games frequently, drawing from a sizeable pool of my custom systems that all have real personality to them, with every planet carefully customized and tons of versatility in design, meaning no game was ever the same. The new way may be "balanced", but it's not fun, and it completely hampers creativity in system design. The real draw of this game is and has always been the massive games with many players and huge systems, and THAT's where this just doesn't fly. That's not where the soul of the game is! It may be balanced for the kind of competitive games seen in ranked, but one of the biggest complaints from critics is precisely how bland this game is on a competitive level.

planetary annihilation titans crashing

It was so cool before with the various crater sizes you could get, and sometimes two planets would even graze eachother, tearing craters into both of them without destroying either planet! Please retain the kind of dynamic planet interactions that made the game so unique. I love the new collision effect, but the target planet should only be destroyed if the Halley planet is equivalent or larger in size/mass. It's a very fun and incredibly spectacular map, and you can imagine how long I spent tuning the orbits to make it work.īut now, the unstoppable lava planet can be destroyed by a pebble, and once it arrives I assume it will also get destroyed by the first planet it hits. The lava planet meanwhile is the centerpoint of this map, an enormous planet called Nemesis that after 1 hour of playtime comes crashing into the system from far away, literally eating up all the other planets one by one in the span of less than a minute unless someone gets the metal planet before then. That moon is smaller than an average asteroid and meant to be just a minor nuke that only needs 1 Halley.

Planetary annihilation titans crashing